My goal is to create dynamic, memorable images that capture the beauty of a person, a moment, a day or a veil blowing in the wind.
I love portraits. I love the challenge of taking that one portrait that sits framed in the couple’s home reminding them of how much they loved one another on the day they were married. I like to think that this photo makes you not quite annoyed that they left dirty dishes in the sink. You’re welcome.
‘Tis The Season
During the month of December ALL of my packages are 15% off. YES that includes Weddings. Book now and the shoot can be scheduled anytime before Jan 2020.
For me no adventure is too big or too small. Spontaneity breeds creativity which means I don’t see wind or weather as an obstacle - I see it as an opportunity.
This is why you hire me. This is why my background in photojournalism is so valuable. I never stop seeing, anticipating, waiting for a great moment. No two celebrations are the same - and that means new possibilities at every event. This isn’t just my job, this is who I am.
Editor’s call it “my eye”. Collectors call it “my style”. I call it “my funk”. But whatever it is, I am grateful to have it. I can’t say I did anything to earn it - it is just the way I see.
Love is love. The world needs more of it. ‘nuff said.
I am in awe of these teenagers who, with their mouth full of braces and bodies full of hormones, still bravely sing their haftorah portion and confidently lead their family and friends in prayer. They certainly deserve the party.
We find place that is special to your. Maybe it’s the bar where you met or the restaurant where you had your first date. A remarkably high percentage of my engagement portraits land in the NYTimes - probably because they are the farthest thing from formulaic.
I have always used my camera as a tool for social change. I felt the frustration of women in the world rising and I wanted to give them the space to be seen and heard. In 2016 I launched me&EVE and since then I have witnessed the stories of over 300 women in four different countries. 10% of your fee supports me&EVE and the $5000 me&EVE grant that I award annually to a female photographer 40 years and over. Please visit to learn more.
I am passionate about using my photography skills as an advocate for social justice and humanitarian causes. To this end, I am a photojournalist and I specialize in stories about gender equality, criminal justice and coffee farming. Why coffee farming? That’s a longer story let’s just say it started with the years I served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Guatemala. Basically, if I can handle making photos inside a men’s maximum security prison, live in a mud hut in rural Guatemala with no running water for two years, then I can definitely handle herding a family for portraits. I invite you to check out to see my other work. By hiring me to shoot your event you are supporting my efforts in making a more justice society for all of us.